Hassle-free property
investment for everyone.
Our joint property ownership model provides all of the benefits of traditional buy-to-let, but without the hassle of ongoing legal, financial and property management requirements.
How it works
Our proprietary A.I. scours online listings and our databases to highlight potential high-yielding properties.

We then independently assess, survey and verify the best of these to bring you high-quality, high-yielding tenanted properties.
You can purchase shares in the properties that make sense for you.

All investor funds are held in a segregated account, which is used to create an SPV (holding company) to purchase each property (100% owned by you and the other investors).
Once you invest, we’ll take care of everything, from maintaining the property, to making sure there’s always a tenant in place.

You can track your monthly income and manage your investments in real time using our mobile app or web platform.
We work to sell all of our assets at a significantly higher valuation than the purchase price, with investors voting to accept or reject any offers we receive.

You can also resell your shares during Exit windows, but we do recommend a holding period of 5 years in order to maximise your return.
So, how do you make money?
Joown was built to empower everyone to own and build wealth through real estate

Monthly rental income

Consistent passive income from monthly rental payments

Long term capital appreciation

Watch your investment grow as the property value appreciates
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